At the end of Buddhist Lent a joyful moment comes to the hearts of all Buddhists. It is the time of the very special annual Robe Offering ceremony, called the Kathina.
Thai Youth In The High Tech Era
Very often I felt like surrendering and didn’t understand why the more merit I made the more degrading my life was until I became penniless. I felt as if I was in the dark. However, no matter how bad it was I would not give in and I chose to fight to my death. I changed from being downhearted to taking up the challenge. Finally I found out the best solution was not to think about it and to motivate myself to keep on making merit with an assurance that one day the merit will certainly yield fruit.
Dhamma For People :- The merit-rejoicing fruit
An angel owned a lot of celestial properties because she had rejoiced in her friend's merit. What kind of merit did she rejoice?
Dhammakaya Temple and Khlong Luang people protected the flood together
Dhammakaya Temple and Khlong Luang people protected the flood at Rapeepat Canal together. How is this canal important?
คณะกรรมาธิการการศาสนาฯ หาข้อยุติประดิษฐานพระพุทธรูปที่ไม่เหมาะสม
คณะกรรมาธิการการศาสนาฯมีมติให้สำนักงานพระพุทธศาสนาแห่งชาติ และกรมการศาสนา หาข้อสรุปในการตั้งพระพุทธรูปที่เหมาะสม และการสร้างพระพุทธรูปเพื่อให้มหาเถรสมาคมพิจารณา
Daily activities and the mind should go together
In order to achieve the benefits of meditation, you must practise meditation on a daily basis. You cannot miss even for a day.
The 1,000,000-Laywoman Training Project:- The Letter from the Hill Tribe Teacher
A lovely letter written from a Karen student to Khunkru Maiyai. She and her friends are happy to join this project.
The Peace Position
To create world peace by allowing one’s mind to reach inner happiness first, according to the practice called meditation, is what we ought to do
What is the implest way to explain the existence of heaven and hell to those who don’t have faith in the subject?
I would like to ask Luang Phaw the simplest way to explain the existence of heaven and hell to those who don’t have faith in the subject.
Spirit Wants to Get Married
A good example of dedicated family, a man who studied major in law and had never believe in Law of Kammar finally changed his opinion after he heard a Dhamma teaching from Ven. Datta. Now, he quitted smoking and drinking and paid more attention on studying Buddhism. He and his wife lost a job during IMF period but now they owned a business. His daughter came to the temple since she was 3 years old and his son also loves to watch DMC.